Are the Muppets coming back?!?!?!?!??!?

A new pilot for a Muppet TV series has been made, its touted as a back to basics approach with the original characters. Sounds good, but can they ever be as good without the great Jim Henson? Only time will tell. Here is an article about the pilot.
click the pic for the link
And if you haven't seen it yet you should check out this funny clip from the Jim Henson Company live improve show for grown ups "Puppet Up", its coming to Australia, but only Sydney and Melbourne so far :(


Anonymous said...

Puppets have nothing to do with animation. Don't you know anythinK ian!

Ian said...

Oh now your just stiring!...... and I'm not going to dignify your statement with a couter point ;P

Terry said...

You tell him Clay! I'm sick of Ian using this so-called "animation forum" as a soapbox for his own ridiculous obsessions, fetishes and lefty ideology!

Ian said...

This is me not biting.... see (deep breaths ian) I'm just fine......(twitch twitch).

Heidi said...
