Rat Movie Wins! (Your Friend the Rat)
I found this blog that goes behind the scenes on the award winning animated film, Your Friend the Rat.
Some other rat movie directed by Big Bird, or someone related to him, won some other, minor, statuette. (Hey, it was a 3D film . That new fangled computer stuff is just a flash in the pan... It'll never catch on).
Back to 2D! (gold lettering accompanied by angelic choir) ...
The blog has some insider photos that go with descriptions like, "Located in story alley on the second floor of Pixar, you would walk by the corral and hear that awesome sound of pencils sharping and paper flipping."

If anyone finds a reliable video clip link for Your Friend the Rat, please post it in the comments. Otherwise check out the Extras on your Ratatouille DVD.
Related posts: Annie Award Winners 2008, The Brad Bird Bunker of Wisdom
I think that small rat picture looks like Lou Romano's style? But I'm not sure.
He did provide the voice for Linguini, though.
I'm not sure that Ratatouille had a minor win... and Big Bird, isn't that blasephemy?
The art design is by Nate Wragg. He's got a cool blog.
Here's more info
Hey Ian, now that Rat won an Oscar, we need a real Ratatooee blog post full of Brad Bird (Big Bird, hehe) stuff because Roman loves Brad Bird.
I post about Brad Bird all the time, just do a search for his name using the search tool at the top left hand cornert of the blog :)
"It's funny that so much of the ... buzz about Your Friend the Rat ... is focused on the fact that it is largely comprised of two dimensional animation.
For in truth, the roots of this particular endeavor can be found not simply so much in its more traditional hand drawn format, but in the cartoon modern style trappings and fast paced irreverent humor found in early Disney television productions largely written and directed by Ward Kimball."
Here here. 3D? 2D? ShmeeD!
Is it an original idea?
Is the story well told?
Is the art direction good?
Hows the character design?
Are poses good?
Are they well times?
Was it entertaining?
Hu HUUUU!?!?!??!??
I know I've been going on a bit lately about 2D animation, but that is as a learning device, not because one kind of animation is better than another.
Schmee D?
Is that from Peter Pan :)
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