Free Webs

I've been going on a bit in class lately (as is my want) about having an online presence. There are up's and down's, but mostly up's I think.

Right on cue, friend of the ARC and our main stand in teacher at Southbank Mark O found this great site called Free Webs, where you can have your own web site for free. You would expect something like this to be covered in pop up ads and such, but it is relatively free of annoying stuff like that. You can have as many pages as you want, a blog, a forum, upload or link to video and more.

Mark has already set up HIS PAGE so you can see an example of how you might use it. New First year students should check out his Animation and Illustrations pages, he's a wiz at that drawing and movin stuff.

You can have a blog as part of this set up, and if any of our students would prefer to use this blog instead of a Blogger Blog, that’s fine with me, you just have to let me know what your new blog address is.

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