Students, I realise that many of you have an affinity for geeky pursuits like comics, sci-fi/fantasy and, well, animation, and as such you might be tempted to go to events like Supanova (held last weekend at the RNA). I urge you to stay away though, as I'd hate to see any of you get hurt, and I hear there are some real whackoes at these gatherings (some with bizarre weapons fetishes and homicidal tendencies). I give you exhibit A...
For the love of God kids, next year, just stay home... I care too much about you all...
Of course the Big T is completely imune to such nerdy tendancies......
You're next Terry heh..heh..heHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH >=D
Wha... that was YOU Robyn? I didn't realise... must be the ears that fooled me...
watch out terry, we dont know what there capable of yet
Terry I think I saw first years giving out swords and cloaks in readiness for Friday's class.
This is really Cassie writing this (that should full them)
should full them indeed
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